About this blog

Just a quick word with ya'll.
This blog is for a creative writing class. (It is a pretty cool class.) Beware though I love sarcasm. So most of my stuff is sarcastic and sarky. I poke fun at things and feelings I have so don't take everything super serious.
I'm so far having tons of fun with this blog, and I hope that you have fun too, with my sense of mocking humor.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Oxymoron love

What is this thing called... Love? 
Some tell me its is soft and fluffy like a cloud
But others tell me it will just let you down, because its just a bunch of water molecules.
Some argue that love is what moves the world
Other say is money and power that makes the world go round

So what is Love?
I think Love is an Oxymoron

Love gives you tender kisses as it sticks a knife in you chest 
and gives it a few twists for good measure.
Love is that creeping spider, when your not looking for it, 
It decides to try and slink into your life. When you finally spot it,
some scramble for the highest ground, voice jumping a few octaves higher 
as they scream
while others find it strangely magnificent and majestic, 
and they don't mind it sliding into their life. 

Love is quiet, but if you ignore it,
It'll blow your eardrums out with its shout
and break every bone you've got
'Cuz buddy 
Love's got anger issues.

Love is shallow and Love is deep.
You can lightly skim its crystal blue waters.
Or fall head first into it's black, pressure cooking fissure.
it will pull you into one or the other,
heck, maybe it will suck you into both

Love has the recollection of a Elephant
and the memory of a goldfish. (Three second long.)
It keeps bring back the painful things you wish you didn't know
But lets you forget the all little mistakes you've made.

So what is Love?
I don't know
Maybe it is a cloud
Its whipped creaminess can let you down
Maybe Love moves the world 
And money and power too
(its just the love of different things.)
  is it too hard to have to ask Love to be one thing?

So what is Love?
Love changes it mood like swing. 
You try and pin it down, label it, define it.
But it'll flutter away as soon as you think you got a grip on it.
So I think Love is an Oxymoron.
But Love doesn't care. 



  1. Love's got anger issues. Love it.

    I hope you are a dude, cuz I think we should go on a date sometime. Just sayin.

    Love your writing, keep at it.

  2. that is so amazing. a huge grin appeared on my face when i read "it gives you tender kisses as it sticks a knife in your chest." this is truly a piece of art. LOVE IT.

  3. and gives it a few twists for good measure

    I like that.
