About this blog

Just a quick word with ya'll.
This blog is for a creative writing class. (It is a pretty cool class.) Beware though I love sarcasm. So most of my stuff is sarcastic and sarky. I poke fun at things and feelings I have so don't take everything super serious.
I'm so far having tons of fun with this blog, and I hope that you have fun too, with my sense of mocking humor.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Advise to myself

I was thinking to myself what if I could go back?
Travel back in time with the knowledge I now possess... 
No, that would change everything.
I kind of like what I've accomplished learning the hard way

I think I would rather be able to talk to myself. 
A phone call to the past 
like that movie called Frequency
I don't want to cheat myself of experiencing 
the happy accidents and the frustrating defeats 

So here's my advise to my past self 

Love the age your at! Keep playing with your imaginary friends
and do stuff that for your age. You'll get older and lose that as you get grow so enjoy it now.
But don't worry, new fun things will come around as you mature.
Look to the future, but don't let it keep you from the present
And don't Romanticize the past and forgo tomorrow, wishing to stay forever in one spot.
(Fun and good but It really wasn't that amazing.)  

Don't eat all those Oreo's in Disneyland!
Trust me it a horrible night if you do.   

Keep thinking of those stories you wish to write
You'll have so much fun if you do.
Keep being in those worlds that are in your head
But be careful to still live in the one your in.

Don't worry about your older siblings, 
they get nicer and become some of your best friends
and listen to their advise only half of the time.

Don't get so down on your self about not being good at something
But still get annoyed with it, cause it will make you work 
harder to get better. 
And you will! Trust me I know!  

When mom or dad tells you to do something
Do it with a smile on your face! 
Live becomes soooooo much
easier when you learn that your going to have to do it anyway,
but you can do it with a good attitude.
(Yes dad was right all those times. Choose to have a good attitude.)

Read your scriptures! DO IT NOW! 
it really does help.

My last piece of counsel to myself is
Give more hugs and kisses
Embrace a little longer, give additional smiles
Laugh longer, listen better




  1. "I don't want to cheat myself of experiencing
    the happy accidents and the frustrating defeats "
    "Look to the future, but don't let it keep you from the present"
    stole this 2 lines, they both seem like they could be famous quotes.

  2. "Keep thinking of those stories you wish to write
    You'll have so much fun if you do.
    Keep being in those worlds that are in your head
    But be careful to still live in the one your in"
    For a writer, this was a gold nugget. I'm stealing it because it reverberated with me. And I need to get out of the worlds that are in my head.
