About this blog

Just a quick word with ya'll.
This blog is for a creative writing class. (It is a pretty cool class.) Beware though I love sarcasm. So most of my stuff is sarcastic and sarky. I poke fun at things and feelings I have so don't take everything super serious.
I'm so far having tons of fun with this blog, and I hope that you have fun too, with my sense of mocking humor.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Stealing. It's an art, I tell you.

My slumbers are filled with disturbing dreams,
The Game that was in constant flux.
"What do players really have to say, anyway?"
What got you into trouble this time?

Yeah, they knew, the enemy is strong and I am weak.
And it's so pretty it just about kills you.

He's civilized in his heart,
It's like he had it planned,
Its a prestigious honor,
And there's no mistaking it for anything else
People forget
That we are so afraid of the sight of death
and not afraid of the dark.
Its a gift you're given before you go.


  1. My slumbers are filled with disturbing dreams.
    I like this line.

  2. Its a gift you're given before you go.

    Loved this line.

  3. "That we are so afraid of the sight of death
    and not afraid of the dark."
    This line...I don't know, I just love it.
