Hello Everyone! Welcome to my blog, where I post stuff to appease my teacher so I can get a good grade!
Believe it! OK, made it's not the only reason I have this blog... I do have a secret love for writing. Shhh! Don't tell!
Writing has always been something I've kept to myself or to a very small group, cause... well its taking a piece of yourself a showing it to someone. Ex: It's like pulling out your heart and letting someone put in under a microscope, it's really uncomfortable. (And kind of gross.) And there's always that nagging feeling that they could crush it really easily. (You wouldn't be that heartless would you?) So to show anything to you guys, (and girls for any who feel offended that I grouped you with the boys.) is a real treat or maybe a cruel punishment. You decide, as for me, I'm going to write!